In the serene embrace of the Carpathian Mountains, Camp Dreamland emerges as a beacon of childhood wonder for orphan children most affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

From August 16 to 31st, 2024, we invite 100 deserving orphans to step away from the shadows of war and bask in the light of fun, friendship, and freedom.

Camp Dreamland is more than just a camp; it’s a sanctuary where laughter replaces fear, and play overshadows strife.

Our program provides a rare opportunity for these young orphans to experience the joys of childhood – sharing stories, engaging in exhilarating activities, and forming bonds that ignite positive, lifelong changes.

As part of Frontier Horizon’s commitment to bettering young lives, we extend an invitation to you to be part of this transformative journey.

A tax-deductible sponsorship of $596 can open the gates of Camp Dreamland to an orphan child in need, offering them a lifeline to a brighter, lighter heart.

For those who are eager to make a hands-on impact, consider joining us as a team member. The trip cost is $3,000 plus airfare, and will not only cover your expenses, but also sponsor five children to attend camp!

Take a moment to meet our hopeful campers below. Your click on “Sponsor” today can turn their dreams of joy and normalcy into reality.


Danylo L
  • Name: Danylo L
  • Age: 8
  • Location: Zhytomyr
  • Child ID #: CSY8996
  • Sponsored: Yes
Camp Dreamland

Nazar T
  • Name: Nazar T
  • Age: 13
  • Location: Zhytomyr
  • Child ID #: CSY9001
  • Sponsored: Yes
Camp Dreamland

Veronika M
  • Name: Veronika M
  • Age: 9
  • Location: Zhytomyr
  • Child ID #: CSY9005
  • Sponsored: Yes
Camp Dreamland

Anastasiia S
  • Name: Anastasiia S
  • Age: 7
  • Location: Trostianets Sumy region
  • Child ID #: CSY9062
  • Sponsored: Yes
Camp Dreamland