Every child and family is unique, and every relationship is a dynamic process of discovery, grace and adjustment. Being well informed and adequately prepared for international child hosting will ensure that parents and children alike are best positioned to have a wonderful experience. There are volumes of wonderful resources you might engage in preparation for your hosting experience and we encourage all prospective host families to engage thoroughly. The short list of print and media resources below are some we have found to be insightful and particularly helpful for some of our host families. These resources introduce thoughts and strategies regarding ones efforts to love and guide children whom have experienced significant trauma and/or abandonment. Nearly all of the children served by Frontier Horizon have endured significant loss in one form or another. The needs, disposition and situational responses of international orphans may vary dramatically from those of children raised in the privilege of a loving home. effective parenting tactics can vary significantly with this population when compared to children whom have been raised in more stable environments.
Time with your hosted child should not be focused on diagnosing or “fixing” undesireable behaviors, but rather your energies will be best spent is finding creative and meaningful ways to connect. However, being informed on the topic of trauma positions host families to better nurture and support the children entrusted to their care. Engaging with curiosity, unconditional love and lots of humor go a long way.
Strongly Suggested Book
“The Connected Child”
by Karyn Purvis & David Cross
Additional books
“Beyond Consequence, Logic and Control”
by Heather Forbes
“Wounded Children Healing Homes”
by Jayne Schooler, Betsy Smaller, Timothy Callahan
“The Connected Parent”
by Karyn Purvis
“The Whole Brain Child”
by Dan Siegel
Brief introduction of what TBRI approach is
Children from Hard Places and the Brain
IDEAL Response
Responding to aggressive and violent behavior
Effective ways to deal with sleep issues
How do I handle lying